130 metre of brows and pontoon out to a 22 metre and 34 metre berthing pontoon on the River Mersey Birkenhead.
We designed an adjustable freeboard Bow on Berth for the projects. This allows boats from 2.4 metres to 3.5 metres freeboard to berth on the hydraulically operated platform and their crew to have a level step onto the pontoon.
The adjustable platform at base level.
The pontoon and brow system at high water.
Fuel stations that deliver 120 litres per minute are installed in cabinets on the pontoons.
The buffer bearings on the 12m x 12m pontoons allow the three elements (2 brows and pontoon) to move independently.
The hinges between the 22 metre and the 34 metre pontoons.
This image demonstrates the size of the hinges we use on the concrete pontoons.
One of over 40 High Holding Power anchors that moor the pontoons, River Mersey.
Shot of the pontoons on the day of the installation of the 40 metre strut brows.
The two intermediate pontoons grounded at low water.
Shane Carr, Director of Marine Design & Construction Ltd is the inventor and patent holder for the DockMaster concrete pontoon system. The DockMaster pontoon is sold by Marine Designs Ltd under exclusive license from Marine Design & Construction Ltd.
All of the DockMaster pontoon projects shown in our projects page were completed while Shane Carr was a Director of Marine Designs Ltd from 2003 – 2013.
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